
Navyang Oil


Experience the power of Navyang Oil for a renewed and satisfying sex life! Our specially curated formula, enriched with potent ingredients like jaypal, lavanga, DalChini, and more, is designed to bring you unparalleled results. Say goodbye to erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation as Navyang Oil works its magic.

Embrace the pleasure and confidence that comes with treating male sexual disorders effectively. With just a sufficient quantity of this powerful oil, applied twice a day, unleash your true potential in the bedroom. Rediscover the joy of intimacy and elevate your sexual experience with Navyang Oil. Take the first step towards a happier and healthier sex life today!


Experience the power of Navyang Oil for a renewed and satisfying sex life! Our specially curated formula, enriched with potent ingredients like jaypal, lavanga, DalChini, and more, is designed to bring you unparalleled results. Say goodbye to erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation as Navyang Oil works its magic.

Embrace the pleasure and confidence that comes with treating male sexual disorders effectively. With just a sufficient quantity of this powerful oil, applied twice a day, unleash your true potential in the bedroom. Rediscover the joy of intimacy and elevate your sexual experience with Navyang Oil. Take the first step towards a happier and healthier sex life today!


  • take a sufficient quantity of oil and apply on the skin of penis except the tip.
  • apply twice a day.

Package – the bottle contains 15 ml of oil.

INGREDIENTS: Each 15ml bottle contains

  • Jayphal
  • Lavanga
  • DalChini
  • Tejpatra
  • Javitri
  • Tumbru
  • Kayaphal
  • Kankol
  • Lahsun
  • Malkangani
  • Sahjan
  • Alsi Tail

Why choose us ??

  • helpful in curing erectile dysfunction
  • helps in decreasing premature ejaculation
  • helpful in treating other male sexual disorder